Monday, June 29, 2009

He watches over us....

Not too long ago a couple of blue birds visited our back porch. I noticed they were trying to build a nest in my flower box, which isn't too smart with two kids and two cats around. I thought they wised up, but they are back for good.

There are now 3 bluish eggs in a tiny nest in our flower box. The momma blue bird watches over them the best she can.

And the daddy blue bird watches over her. It is the sweetest thing. He even brings her worms.

As I watch him, I am reminded of our Heavenly Father. He is never very far away, just like this daddy blue bird. God wants to protect us and see us grow up - just like the daddy blue bird wants his babies safe and to eventually fly away.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

News"paper" for coloing (free) - WFMW

A year ago a friend of mine was moving and had these huge rolls of paper she was using for packing. She said to stop by the local newspaper because they sat the rolls at the back door. They are end runs and can't be used anymore.

We've picked these up several times and are they great for the kids to color on in the kitchen floor. I stopped by today after swimming lessons and a reptile show at the local library and there happened to be one waiting for us. I think it kept the kids busy for about 15 minutes!

Kristen over at We Are THAT Family is hosting Works for Me Wednesday. Go over and check out all the great ideas. (I still can't get her logo to post!)

Also, notice over in the right margin --- I've got a Google Friend! Feel free to join and get updates on my blog. Thanks, Pam!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Day with Thomas

This past weekend we traveled about 3 1/2 hours to spend a day with Thomas the Train!

We went with two of Daniel's buddies at Babysitter Janet's - Clay and Scott - they LOVE Thomas too. We went with their mommies and Scott's sister, Olivia's best friend - Erica.

The kids had lots of fun climbing on a coal engine, getting tattoos, playing with little train tables, jumping in a blowup jumper, listening to stories, visiting Sir Topham Hat, and, of course, riding with Thomas!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Theresa's Baby Shower

My dear friend, Theresa, is expecting her first baby in August. She and I went through alot together in our single days, wondering if we would ever meet Mr. Right and ever have kids!

Theresa is a teacher with me. Yesterday was our last day, even though the kids got out May 28, the teachers had to work contracted days due to the ice storm. Needless to say, we were excited to get finished and a baby shower was the perfect way to start our "summer"!

Theresa and Buzz know they are having a little girl and her name is Sophia Jane. Her room is yellow with baby animals. I decided to go with a yellow and brown shower theme from this little diaper bag tag I got from Sweet Pea Designs (I can hook you up with a dealer!) The back of the tag says "my mommy is Theresa ..."!

The yellow and brown theme continued with fellow teacher, Leigh Ann, whipping up a fabulous banana pudding complete with animal crackers instead of vanilla wafers. I made chocolate cupcakes with yellow icing, decorated with brown sprinkles as suggested on Everyday Celebrating (a fellow Sigma Kappa from UK).

Whoppers, Cracker Barrel banana candy sticks, and lemon drops in mason jars with ribbons continued the color theme. For favors, Olivia and I made animals crackers smothered in yellow icing for the kiddos. The adults got sprinkle tins and the idea came from Creative Parties and Showers. They read "thanks for sprinkling Theresa with love" and had candy sprinkles inside.

Theresa is a government and archeology teacher. I wanted to make her some personalized onsies - these sayings captured her just right! I used printable iron on transfers and designed these in Publisher.

The water bottles were decorated with little babies - made with my new Cricut! I had the flavored packs in mason jars for everyone to flavor their drinks as they wished.
Theresa and Buzz - you two are going to be great parents!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cool Sale!

A friend at church mentioned that Tuesday Morning was having a 50% off sale items sale. I stopped by while the kids visited with Nanny.

I got some great stuff for about $48 - two Fitz and Floyd plates, 2 shirts, mom a sweater, Halloween stuff, a pedestal vase, a ducky tote for a shower I'm giving, two pj pants in baggies, glass pumpkins.....

I love these kind of sales!