A sweet lady at our church created this painting of our church. We then had a chance to order a tile for our home. Beautiful!
My Giveaway Winner is Lisa at Moore Minutes. Congrats, Lisa! And thanks to everyone who has visiting my blog.
Jeff, thanks for being such a wonderful father, husband and friend! You're the best - Happy Birthday!
While we're celebrating...this is my 100th post! I started blogging April 2008 and it has been a blast ever since. I don't think I have a lot of blog traffic, the most comments I've ever gotten is 19 (but I'll take them).
So, to celebrate my momentous 100th post, I'm giving away 2 unbreakable, Target glasses. They are square and oh, so cute. But wait, I'll also monogram them with vinyl I won from KariAnne and Kijsa!
To win, leave me a comment. It is really quite simple...choose comments below....type a comment....you can even comment as "anonymous" if you don't have an account. I can't wait to see who is visiting! Be sure and leave some way I can contact you.
From my childhood..."romper, stomper, bomper boo, tell me, tell me, tell me who...I see Marilyn, RaAnn, Michelle, Nancy, Hillary, Teris..."
**I'll pick a winner on Saturday, September 12.
We had a fabulous Labor Day Weekend! The kids and I went to an arts and crafts show Saturday, where we actually got some Christmas shopping started. We had rain that evening so we spent the rest of the day inside. Sunday we went to church then Aunt Paige and Uncle Steven came over with Nanny for lunch. Uncle Ben stopped by also. Everyone met the newest family member, Rex the dog, and thought he was a wonderful addition. After a little while, we were off to friend Emily's 2nd birthday party to help celebrate with her family. (thanks for including us) I didn't get a very good picture of all the kids. Kim, don't forget to forward me one of yours.
We spent Labor Day at Nanny's. Thanks Nancy for taking our family photos! And, Ben, you cooked some wonderful hamburgers. It was a pleasant day visiting with everyone. The only bummer was Jeff leaving for work a little while ago. I'm also worried as Daniel had quite a long nap this afternoon, I may be up until midnight with him.
I leave you with a picture Daniel took of me last week. We were waiting for the vet to check Oreo and Callie. I was trying to get in touch with Jeff and I didn't realize I looked so tired! But, I am impressed with Daniel's photographic skills!
Kids grow so fast. I get excited when Olivia or Daniel can wear something for more than one season, especially if it is a favorite article of clothing.
Last night Olivia and I went to our favorite consignment store while the boys played golf. She had a blast running around helping me to pick out some clothes. I got some great things for both of them.
My favorite reason, besides saving money, for shopping there is that someone else has done all the leg work! They've gone to all of our favorite stores or home clothing parties. There is a great selection and we get some really cute clothes!!! Not only does it save me money - but time as well!
Next, I actually won something on a blog giveaway! A fellow Purple Flash and Sig Kap, Michelle, has the neatest blog, Everyday Celebrating. She sponsored a contest for SmileBooks and I won a $10 off coupon and a tee shirt. I'll be watching the mailbox closely!
I leave you with a picture of the kids waiting for the school bus. We finally got the road fixed so the bus could come down our road. Only one school year and one month later...