I finally got around to some crafting with during ALL of our snow days. I've had some clear stones just begging to be made into pendants for forever. I got the stones at my favorite craft store Dee's in Louisville. I had some cute paper I decided to use and then figured out I didn't have any pendants for my favorite team , UK! They were easy to make, using Diamond Glaze. We're having an Italian Valentine Night at church tonight. I made some straw decorations with my Cricut for the kiddos. I bought the red striped straws at Hobby Lobby during the Christmas clearance.My Subway Art came from Eighteen 25.
Last, Olivia and I made some cute germ-x lotion bottles for her teachers. I had found the zebra "duck tape" vinyl at Michael's last week, before our two huge snowfalls. We picked up the germ-x at Kroger for $1 each. I made myself the purse size! Happy Valentine's!
I am a Christian mother of 2 wonderful kids and wife to a marvelous man, Jeff. My kids are Olivia, age 9, and Daniel, age 6. I teach business in a high school, which is one adventure after another! I enjoy crafts, scrapbooking and learning from all of the wonderful bloggers out there!