Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Heart Day, from our house to yours!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

snow day crafting

I finally got around to some crafting with during ALL of our snow days. I've had some clear stones just begging to be made into pendants for forever. I got the stones at my favorite craft store Dee's in Louisville. I had some cute paper I decided to use and then figured out I didn't have any pendants for my favorite team , UK! They were easy to make, using Diamond Glaze.

We're having an Italian Valentine Night at church tonight. I made some straw decorations with my Cricut for the kiddos. I bought the red striped straws at Hobby Lobby during the Christmas clearance. My Subway Art came from Eighteen 25.

Last, Olivia and I made some cute germ-x lotion bottles for her teachers. I had found the zebra "duck tape" vinyl at Michael's last week, before our two huge snowfalls. We picked up the germ-x at Kroger for $1 each. I made myself the purse size!
Happy Valentine's!

Today's Creative Blog

handmade projects

Thursday, February 10, 2011

snow fun

Pictures from round one of snow, Monday. Wednesday brought round two. We got a total of a little under a foot! Come ON spring!