Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Home Decorating Help!

I've got 2 things to share... first one of my talented students, Teris, painted these neat ball pictures for Daniel's room make-over. We hope to hang them soon, when we get the walls painted blue.

Next, our kitchen counters are this strange bluish green color. We're wanting to brighten it up again and are having a hard time matching. I learned a great trick from my friend, Tammy, yesterday. You can get the cutest little cans of sample paints at Lowe's for $4! I got 3 last night and tried it in the kitchen. I started thinking, if you wanted to do some decorative painting - this would be the way to go! No need to buy the huge paint can, when you can get these cute ones! Do you think this color matches?


  1. I like it!! Is that one of the choices you showed us when we were all over for the get-together? I think it works well if the photo is a true representation of the color.

  2. Looks like a good match...another trick I learned when we were choosing paint for this house. Use those little jars of paint to paint a sheet of poster board, tape it on your wall and you'll get a pretty good idea how the whole wall will look!! Marilyn

  3. The sports artwork is adorable - what a creative idea!

    By the way, I like the paint you chose...

  4. I'm so excited to have my artwork on the net!! It's almost like free advertising! Hope you and Daniel like them!
