Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Wonderful Fall Break

Olivia and I have been out of school most of this past week - for fall break. We took advantage of our time off. Wednesday, we went to the new kid's play place (YaYa's Island) with Kimmie, Carlee, Michelle, Madeline, and Mason. It was fun, the kids ran, climbed and played their hearts out. The next day the kids went to Babysitter Janet's to play so mommy could get some blood work done (ask me about that sometime) and have a little me Birthday shopping time. Friday we hung out around the house - the kids ended up riding their tricycle off of a dirt pile. Jeff and I wondered if that made us bad parents...

Today we helped mom (aka Nanny) give a wedding shower for Cousin Aimee. The kids are going to be in her wedding in December and it is going to be fabulous. I'll tell you right now our Christmas Cards will be late as I'm getting the picture that day! Anyway, the shower was fun. All Four of the hilarious, fun Grief Cousins were there plus Kim and baby Ava and Francie had little Daniel, and of course Cousin Phyllis, Sam's wife Liz, Aunt Paige, Nanny, me and Olivia. We had fun snacking, visiting, and watching Aimee open her beautiful gifts. Olivia and I were relieved that Aimee liked the gift we made for her - you can see it below. Olivia got the sweetest little Flower Girl book. Phyllis made mom and I gorgeous pearl necklaces - thanks Phyllis, I'll be wearing mine often.

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