Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentine's Projects - the good and the ugly

I've been trying projects for Valentine's Day as I have time (snow days) and the inspiration hits.

Olivia and I had the bright idea to make the heart shaped suckers for her class using small candy canes. I made sure we had enough canes, the sticks and the baggies. We followed the directions on The Idea Room, but ours didn't work out. I had to pop them off the sheet...and they crumbled.

So we tried another idea from The Idea Room - some yummy chocolate peppermint popcorn. This project turned out yummy! I plan to make some more for gifts. We had to sample the first batch!

Applique has always intrigued and puzzled me. It looks so easy when other people do it and explain it on their blog. So, when I found this $3 long sleeve tee I decided to make Olivia a Vday tee shirt. I've got some more practicing to do. At least I already had the heat'n bond and material AND she's only 7 and not picky yet!

We did find another successful project for her classmates. We made crayon hearts that we learned about on so many craft blogs. We think her class will enjoy them.

This week, as a stress relieves, I made a cute 2x4 project I found on How She Does. It was fun to mod podge and vinyl and it was from scrap 2x4s. The flipside is for St Patty's Day.

And today, another snow day, Olivia had asked me to mend a hole in a too little "hand me down" shirt. I suggested we make a cute pillow instead.

I then made dresses for her American Girl dolls with the sleeves.

Thanks for visiting - and take comfort in everyone has a few goofs now and then!


  1. The suckers look so cute, it is to bad they crumbled!

    Great job on the other projects! The shirt looks great in the picture!

  2. You have been very busy on your days off. I loved the sucker idea too. How cute. Wonder if some No-stick cooking spray might have helped.
