Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Projects

I haven't had time to post anything lately, but I'm excited to say that the yearbook was finished two days ago. A huge monkey is off my back - for another year!

I've been doing some vinyl projects and scrabble tile necklaces. The first vinyl project was for a wedding gift. I found the dish at TJMaxx.

Last week I decided to make some Easter buckets for the kids. I got some $2 buckets at Dollar General and added some vinyl. They were big enough to hold all the eggs they found at the church egg hunt. The kids can also use them all year.

Last, my dear friend RaAnn asked me to make some scrabble tile necklaces, six as a matter of fact. They turned out great the first time and RaAnn said everyone liked them.
Be back with Easter photos soon...

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