Sunday, January 23, 2011

Night Owl Pajama Party

The 8th birthday party was a success! With all of the snow and sickness going around, Olivia had six wonderful little girls show up for the party. Daniel was safely out of the house at Nanny's, to spare him from all of the "girlyness"!

We searched and searched until we found an idea for the party. A Night Owl Pajama Party. I'm not quite ready for a "slumber party", so the girls were here from 7 - 9, which worked out great.

The girls were invited to come in their pajamas. We set up the table like a bed, which we saw over at Hostess with the Mostess.
They started out the night dancing for a little "Kidz Bop" music, then played some Minute 2 Win It games. The biggest hit was probably playing pick up a bean with a straw and carry it across the room to your bowl OR eating the oreos after playing "chocolate unicorn".

It was a good thing we had a snow day on Friday, cause the owl cake pops took me all day. Bakerella certainly makes it look easier than I did! If you haven't ever heard of cake pops, you must check out this site. Basically you take a cake and crumble it up, add a can of frosting and mix it all up. Then you make balls of cake and pop them in the freezer for awhile. The difficult part for me was getting the pop to stay on the sucker stick while I dipped it in the chocolate. Luckily, I got enough owls made for the girls to enjoy at the party. They were very yummy!

The decorations were obviously lots of owls. We made our owls for the invitations and decorations on the cricut with the "hoot n holler" cartridge.

I found some cute owl Valentine felt stickers at Michael's. I turned those into barrettes for the girls. We used those as decorations on a tree limb until the girls choose one to take home.

The other gift for the girls was a sleep mask. Olivia and I luckily found enough "Dream" masks in the dollar bins at Michael's as well! These were a hit and most of the girls wore these out of the door when they went home. (It was my intention to wear them out so they would be ready for bed when they got home!)

Olivia claims to not be a big fan of cake, so we picked out 4 varieties of ice cream for the girls to enjoy. Of course, no ice cream is complete without sprinkles!
We rounded out the evening with a little nail painting and then all of the girls piled on Olivia's bed for a snippet of a movie.

Aren't they all cute with their sleep masks on their heads?

It was a fun party! I certainly learned that it is very difficult to be both the party hostess and photographer. Hope you enjoyed!


  1. Thank you! Do you have any ideas that you can pass my way for an Alice in Wonderland Tea Party? It is for 8 year olds.
    Thank you!
    Heather Egan

  2. Hey!! This owl pajama party is really awesome. Had never arranged such party but seriously loved the ideas and arrangements. Have been planning to arrange my niece’s tea party at one of event venues Chicago. Will surely have something best for her.
