Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Quick Calendar Fix

When school starts back I want to get ubber organized so I always get a fresh, new calendar. I have professed my love of MomAgenda before and ordered a new one for 2011-2012. There's something about putting new events and old celebrations in a blank calendar.
Anyway, my old portfolio cover for my calendar had seen better days. I thought about fixing her up with mod podge or vinyl, but then she was a little bulky to carry around.
Enter, my kindle and her case. A simple elastic band works to hold it closed, I could get some elastic, sew it together and attach it to the back of the calendar. THEN I remembered that Olivia has those elastic headbands that would be perfect and I wouldn't have to drag the sewing machine out! She helped me pick out one that I could use.

I just used a little E6000 glue on the back of the calendar, attaching the elastic. I let it dry awhile with a can of beans on top to hold it down. (By the way, this glue is fabulous! It even held together a broken pool toy!)

The elastic holds it all together so extra papers don't escape. And it is more compact to fit in my purse or school bag. It is perfect for me!

Tip Junkie handmade projectsTodays Creative Blog

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