Sunday, June 24, 2012

Mother Daughter Book Club

I don't know why I haven't blogged about this earlier.  We started a year ago and it has been one of my monthly highlights.

Five little girls and four mommies reading the same book, discussing the book, having a snack, and a craft that goes along with the book.

We've read:
Little House on the Prairie
The Little Princess
A Secret Garden
Mother Daughter Book Club #1 & #2
Caddie Woodlawn
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever

just to name a few!

This past month we read Strawberry Girl by Lois Lenski.  It is an adorable book about life in Florida before it was really and truly settled.

Olivia & I hosted this month.  We HAD to serve a strawberry dessert.  So, half pint "cupcake strawberry trifles" it was! These cupcakes were made with a cake mix and a can of diet 7-UP!  No joke, and they are good!  I also made strawberry lime-aids for the girls.

For the craft, Strawberry Girl always had on a hat while she worked in the fields.  So, we found hats at Dollar Tree, flowers at Michael's and raided my ribbon stash.  Very cute!

I also had the girls make a timeline of the books we have read.  They used chalk and made the timeline on our front sidewalk.  Very informative, as we learned that most of the books we have read were written around 1900.

So fun, I encourage you to start your own book club. Let me know if you have questions!

We're always looking for a good book.  What was YOUR favorite childhood book?

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Skip To My Lou

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