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The ladies over at Internet Cafe Devotions are hosting a FREE giveaway. Those participating are listing free gifts for the Christmas season. I decided to get involved with a "JOY" necklace and a little Arbonne Body Lotion. If you would like to enter, just leave a comment and tell me a new tradition your family is trying this year.If you have never been to the Cafe, go over and take a peek. I try to read the devotions every morning - if it's not too hectic around the house. All of the ladies have wonderful devotionals to share.Also, there are tons of other giveaways here. Winners are announced on December 12.
My husband and I are going to start a tradition of writing love letters to each other to open on Christmas Eve. I read about this idea in someone's list of holiday traditions and it really struck a chord in my heart.
HI! New Tradition in our house: making a gingerbread house! We bought a kit at cancer benefit auction last Spring and I must make good on promise. Time's a' wastin'
~ esthermay @The Heart of a Pastor's Wife
Hello! A new tradition we are trying on this year is having the kids buy a goat...there was a link on where you could send enough money for a family in Africa to purchase their own milking goat.
Oh fun!!
This year we are going to try filling our family's stockings with handmade goodies. I'm trying to show Super B the joy of not only giving - but making it with his own hands. It may turn out to be a disaster...but we're going to try!! :)
We started a new tradition on my Husbands side when we celebrate Christmas - instead of giving gifts to each other, we take the money we would have spent and use it give it to others (Heifer International, Ronald McDonald House, etc...
This year we are starting an around the world Christmas Luncheon. We will have an Italian Christmas this year and we are thinking European for next year. So, this year we will cook Italian dishes and maybe have the kids put their shoes by the fireplace instead of hanging stockings. Oh, what fun. Love the necklace and lotion. Thanks
We are starting the tradition this year of making gingerbread houses. We each made one this year. It was a lot of fun.
This year we decided to go to a tree farm and cut down our tree instead of buying a scraggly one at the grocery store. We loved it - it was so much fun!! (Plus the weather cooperated. Not sure how much fun it would have been if it had been super cold!)
Well, I wanted to start a tradition of baking cookies with my son to give to family and friends but there is no way I can do that now. Over two weeks ago I slipped on one of my 2 year old's toys and tore up my knee really bad. I am unable to walk and won't be able to for awhile. Therefore, the cookie baking will have to be postponed until next year.
Thanks for the contest!
Yeah! I love lotions and that's a really cute necklace!
A new tradition we're doing this year is a Jesse Tree. Each day is a paper, hand-colored ornament that my kids put together and a scripture reading for that day of the advent of Christmas. It's been great so far.
Have a great christmas,
Hey Greta...Thanks for joining in..the JOY necklace is adorable!!
a NEW tradition we've started is we are reading "God Came Near" as a's been a great way to really tap into what Christmas is really about with the kids:)
ooh, this year I am trying a new tradition of everyone getting new pajamas on Christmas eve!
(I am currently living in Indonesia but am a US resident and have a US mailing address.)
This year, I got a kids' advent calendar, with included 24-day devotional, which we're working through. We've done the sticker advent calendars before, but this the the first time we have a little family devotional with it. Enjoying it so far - and the kids look forward to it! Lovely giveaway.
Let's see... We don't have any firm traditions really. We just play it by ear. This year, the kids are getting 12 days of Christmas gifts from Grandmother. Last year, I wrapped up all the Christmas books and let them open one a day to read and get to know again (I should do that again...). The kids will also have new PJs for Christmas this year. Hmm... our church is going caroling this year. I haven't been caroling since I was a teen, so this will be new. We also went to the Christmas parade this year, which we hadn't been doing. I don't know what of these things will become "tradition", but how does a tradition really start? Just by doing something new that ends up working, right?? ;)
Our new tradition (hopefully) this year is to be home for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! We have always had to travel on those days, but this year we're going to be home both days - the whole day! It's exciting for us!
Hmmmm . . . we are not really starting any new traditions, but keeping up with the old. I guess I could say we are trying to "renew" our traditions as four years ago our 16 year old son died, 2 weeks before Chrismas, so we are trying to get back into doing our usual traditions in our "new normal".
I got a late start in putting my giveaway up, but please come by for a visit to join also! :)
We are renewing the tradition of our Family Box. We all place gifts in it that will help or encourage us in our walk with the Lord (music, books, games, DVDs, ect.). On Christmas eve we have a time of prayer & praise and then enjoy the gifts and some special treats and hot cocoa. Many happy memories!
Opps! Forgot to add my e-mail!
A new tradition we started was having the kids involved in picking out several different charities/people that we are sending donations to this Christmas season.
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